Sunday, 19 December 2010

Booklog #8

76.  That's the number of books currently in the 'To Be Read' category on my Kindle.  76!  I can't help but wonder whether there'd be that many if they were physical not electronic...probably not, I suspect (there'd be nowhere to put them for one thing!).  If they'd all cost me full price, then for the well-being of my bank balance I'd probably be begging someone to take the Kindle away from me before I book-shopped my way into abject poverty, but fortunately a good portion of them were either free or less than a pound. 

I can't believe how quickly my buying habits have changed.  It took me ages to come round to buying music as MP3 downloads instead of CDs - I always felt that I'd never be able to give up the feeling of actually owning it physically, but now it's been a long time since I bought a CD.  I'm a total Amazon junkie - all my music downloads come from there, as well as my ebooks! 

As I always say to people whose response to the Kindle is "ooh, I could never read on that, I like the feel of a real book too much" - well, I still like a real book too!  But not to the extent that I'd consciously turn a blind eye to the benefits that the Kindle can offer me.  It doesn't have to be one or the other - there's room in our lives for both, folks!

This week I've started:
Er, nothing I'm afraid - once again it's been a busy time at both work and within the Open University study camp so I've only had time to plug away with the long books that I'm reading. 

This week I've finished:
Um, nothing here either.  But I hope that by next week (Boxing Day!!) I'll have reached the end of Shatter

I'm still reading:
The Children's Book ~ A.S. Byatt
Pillars of the Earth ~ Ken Follett
Shatter (The Children of Man) ~ Elizabeth C. Mock

Only one more post before Christmas...good luck with any last-minute prep you might be doing! 

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to your buying habits as it took me forever to get into mp3 but I buy more than I can read on the kindle too. I also still buy real books. Wishing you a happy holiday and a great new year.
