Greetings readers! You'll have to imagine me beaming at you down the cables (? airwaves? fibre optics?) as today has been a really productive day!
Not only have I done some writing (Project Blake - police/forensic) but I've also finally finished my archaeology course AND caught up to where I should be on my Exploring the Classical World course. HURRAH!! I can't say I'm sad to finish the archaeology - though I love the general idea of it, I've learnt that I'm not really made for the science side of things, I think I'd be more the anthropologist who comes along to look at the stuff after they've dug it up and cleaned it, and work out whose it was, what it was for etc. But hey ho - I gave it a try and that's what life's all about isn't it?
Classical World though is another thing altogether, I love it! You may remember that last week I was doing my first assignment (still no result back by the way :o( ) about Homer's Odyssey, well this week looked at the 'prequel' poem the Iliad, which is just as fascinating, all about the Trojan War. It's about 25,000 lines long so we don't study all of it (thank goodness!), just a variety of extracts, but all the same it's so thought-provoking to consider and learn about an era from so long ago. Having been there last year and seen it first-hand, I can't wait to get to the blocks about ancient Rome!
Totally unrelated to either writing OR studying, but taking up a semi-large chunk of the day - hubby and I also sorted out our greenhouse ready for winter (the frosts have started already here), so my tomato and pepper plants are now safely housed in the conservatory away from rain, wind and cold. Here's to the stir fry their produce will eventually end up in! :oD
Until my first proper 'Booklog' post on Sunday, goodbye and have a great week!
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