Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Back to full strength...well, almost.

So firstly I must apologise for not posting last week...we went to Paris for the weekend, but travelled by coach with - seemingly - the sickest people that could be found en route, who spent the whole journey sounding like they were about to cough out their internal organs.  I did my very best positive thinking, surrounding myself with a mental bubble to keep germs out, but inevitably something got me and I started with a cold just as we were a couple of hours from home on the return journey.  Curse you germs!!  It kept me off work for a full week (I went back yesterday) and while ordinarily a week off work would have been a wonderful opportunity to get some writing done, I just haven't had the mental capacity!

On the plus side though, Paris was amazing - I love it and I want to run away and live there!!

Today then, with a couple of symptoms still lingering, I had to kick my own butt into gear and get some words down.  And I'm pleased to say that I have!  Project Crunch (chick lit) is now over the 2000 word mark, at 2444.  I've finished the opening argument scene that was troubling me in my last post and though I know it'll need revision to tidy it up, I'm pleased with how it's turned out.  And I'm glad to have got one chapter under my belt! 

Lastly, just a quick update on my relationship with Mr A.'s true love!  The hardest part is holding myself back from buying book after book with just single clicks on the website (I find it easier to browse online rather than through the device.  I've got quite a good mix downloaded now - some fantasy, some historical, crime, chick lit and a mixture of modern fiction, as well as a selection of blogs (I love 'Overheard in New York - so funny!).  I think that in a year's time or so, when it's much fuller, it will have become one of those 'how did I ever live without this?' kind of things.  If you like reading - get one! 

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