Sunday, 7 November 2010

Booklog #2

Greetings!  So another Sunday evening is upon us and as usual I have that 'pre-Monday morning meh' feeling.  I often daydream about how liberating it would be just to jack in the day job and write full-time, but then I remember that I have bills to pay!  Still, at least I'm taking baby steps towards that day...

NaNoWriMo (see my previous post) has somewhat taken over my free time this week so there hasn't been much reading going on.  However I couldn't resist pushing on and finishing The Book of Secrets by Tom Harper.  I give it 4/5 and would definitely recommend it if you enjoy the 'race for the historical artefact' type of story.  I wouldn't say it brought anything particularly new to the genre - you could pretty much guess how things were going to end - but it was very well-paced and the interweaving of the historical story of Johann Gutenberg and his invention of the printed book with the present day story of Nick and Emily was done well.  They alternate chapters for most of the book and each one ends leaving you wanting more from that side of the story, but then as you start the next you remember the cliff-hanger that the other characters were left in and become absorbed in their story again.  All in all a very enjoyable read. 

Today I started reading Mythology for Dummies, as a supplement for my Open University course.  I'm a big fan of the Dummies series and I'll admit that I have quite a collection, from Scrapbooking to High Blood Pressure...whether that makes me a Dummy I don't know?!  I really like the format they follow, breaking a big subject down into sections and then into smaller sections, using lists and bullet points and so on.  They appeal to my obsessive sense of order and I really feel that you could learn about anything from them. 

Other than that, I'm still reading:

Angels ~ Marian Keyes
The Redbreast ~ Jo Nesbo
The Children's Book ~ A. S. Byatt (halfway through chapter 15 - I feel that the only way to bully myself into making progress with it is to hold myself accountable to you!)

Till next time - happy reading!  

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