Wednesday, 17 November 2010

E.P.M. (?)

And breeeeeeathe...  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, yet another Wednesday has been spent in Essay Panic Mode.  How does this happen?!  I always manage to get ahead with the course work and then let the assignment slide right until a few days before the deadline.  But anyway - the positive thing is that I managed to make 1000 words out of nothing, about a relatively complex topic, in less than a day.  If I can do that then surely making up stories out of my head should be a breeze? 

I have two whole months now till the next essay is due - plenty of time to get some writing done.  NaNoWriMo is 17 days in now, over halfway, but as you can see from the blue box on the left, I'm not exactly close to halfway in terms of word count.  #shame#  I think my target is going to have to be revised down to 10,000 words this time round, maybe next year I'll be better prepared for aiming for 50k! 

I'm not unhappy with what I've written so far but I'm having to think up the plot as I go along - I know where I want to get to later but getting there isn't as straight-forward as 'he did this then he did that then they went there' etc.  Well, it could be that straight-forward, but that wouldn't be much of a challenge would it?  I might save that idea as a last resort though...

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