Wednesday, 22 September 2010


Today I've been working on Project Crunch (chick lit), on a scene which I've decided will be the opening one.  The only problem is that it involves my heroine and her fiance having a huge argument, and - to be honest - I've never really had that experience with anyone, especially my husband (and ours is the only relationship I've been in...aww, sweet!).  I'm extremely non-confrontational by nature - I'll do anything to avoid a row.  If I'm angry with you I'm 99% more likely to give you the silent treatment than to shout at you.  I'll leave the room to avoid other people arguing and don't even like watching it on TV.  There's enough negativity floating around the world already, I don't feel the need to add to it or willingly expose myself to it! 

So when it comes to writing a row I don't really have much to draw on.  The temptation to make the characters be too nice and too understanding to each other is tremendous, because I feel awkward that I'm consciously trying to generate bad vibes.  I guess it'll be a learning curve - I'll have to write it my way, then keep revising it to make it angrier and more like a real argument.  Because after all, life's not always sweetness and light is it?! 

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